Our platform is designed to help students improve their knowledge and skills in Maths, Science and English. With WizKids Diagnostic Tutoring, students can practice and learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. The platform offers unlimited practice with diagnostic tracking to ensure that practice is relevant to individual ability so that any child can move ahead and master new skills and knowledge.
- 250,000+ questions, 8000+ lesson topics, 400+ practice tests, and 100+ learning games
- Unlimited practice with diagnostic tracking to ensure practice is relevant to individual ability
- Monthly competition leaderboards to encourage healthy competition and motivation
- Top 3 performers every month win fun prizes to encourage them even more
- Individualized lessons tailored to each child’s unique needs and weaknesses
- Opportunity to learn and practice anytime and anywhere with a laptop, tablet or phone
- The platform stimulates learning and helps develop the student’s performance in school
- Monthly leaderboards provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment for students
WizKids Diagnostic Tutoring offers students a unique and effective way to improve their Math, Science, and English skills. With the ability to learn and practice anytime and anywhere, personalized lessons, and fun incentives for competition, students are sure to improve their performance in school and beyond.
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